Session #24

How to Build an Automated AI ChatBot


Sense is a leader in talent engagement, and the company behind the Sense AI Chatbot which serves hundreds of customers worldwide.  The Sense AI Chatbot is an automated recruiting assistant that can engage with candidates 24/7, responding to their queries in real-time even when human recruiters are offline, across SMS, mobile, and web.  It matches them to jobs, schedules interviews, and handles intelligent communications, including FAQs. The chatbot pairs conversational AI with automated communication and engagement workflows so organizations can engage with candidates at scale.

In this MLOps Live session, Gennaro, Director of Data Science at Sense, spills the beans and describe how he and his team have built and perfected this chatbot, what their ML pipeline looks like behind the scenes, and how they have overcome complex challenges such as building a complex natural language processing ( NLP) serving pipeline with custom model ensembles, to track question-to-question context and enable sentiment tracking.

He describes how they leveraged the connectivity of Iguazio’s MLOps platform and built-in feature store with the Snowflake Data Cloud to speed up feature engineering, the deep integration on Amazon Web Services (AWS) to manage cloud consumption costs, and the smart scheduling capabilities for NVIDIA accelerated computing to manage GPU usage in an efficient and scalable way.