AWS re:Invent is about Data, Serverless, and AI

AWS re:Invent is all about how managed data services, serverless, and AI work together to enable new business applications. The focus is shifting from building the infrastructure of your choice in a playground that has an endless number of toys (services) to an opinionated, pre-packaged approach that enables customers to focus on business applications. Why? Businesses are aligning with the...

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The Future of Serverless Computing

Serverless computing allows developers to focus on building and running auto-scaling applications without worrying about managing servers, as server provisioning and maintenance are taken care of behind the scenes. Industry demand for instant results has therefore made serverless platforms the new buzz. However, serverless computing has challenges which limits its usability and applicability: Slow performance...

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VMworld 2017: VMware Feeds Off OpenStack Decay

I used to be sure OpenStack would take over VMware. Five years ago, when I worked on OpenStack, I felt freedom – users could manage the entire cluster as a cloud and say goodbye to $5,000 fees per license. However, in hindsight VMware hasn’t been cannibalized by OpenStack or by the public cloud. It is...

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iguazio Raises $33M to Accelerate Digital Transformation

Today we announced a $33M investment from top VCs - Verizon Ventures, Robert Bosch Venture Capital, CME Ventures and Dell Technologies Capital. It’s a major step in our ambitious goal of accelerating digital transformation by enabling modern cloud and analytical services close to the edge. iguazio simplifies the data stack and enables organizations to automate...

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IT Vendors Don't Stand a Chance Against the Cloud

Last week I sat in on an AWS event in Tel Aviv. I didn’t hear a single word about infrastructure or IT and nothing about VMs or storage, either. It was all about developers and how they can build production grade solutions faster, at a fraction of the cost, while incorporating Amazon’s latest security, AI...

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Using Containers As Mini-VMs is NOT Cloud-Native!

Cloud and SaaS companies invented the notion of micro-services and the “cloud-native” model to gain efficient scaling along with continuous development and operations. Legacy approaches don’t work for global services like Facebook, Google or eBay, which are always on. Containers and Docker were created as the ultimate packaging for such micro-services and new orchestration platforms...

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