
MLOps Live #36 - How to Manage Thousands of Real-Time Models in Production - March 25th

Re-Structure Ahead in Big Data & Spark

Big Data used to be about storing unstructured data in its raw form – . “Forget about structures and Schema, it will be defined when we read the data”. Big Data has evolved since – The need for Real-Time performance, Data Governance and Higher efficiency is forcing back some structure and context. Traditional Databases have...

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Wanted! A Storage Stack at the speed of NVMe & 3D XPoint

Major changes are happening in storage media hardware – Intel announced a 100X faster storage media, way faster than the current software stack. To make sure the performance benefits are evident, they also provide a new block storage API kit (SPDK) bypassing the traditional stack, so will the current stack become obsolete? Some background on...

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Cloud-Native Will Shake Up Enterprise Storage!

Enterprise IT is on the verge of a revolution, adopting hyper-scale and cloud methodologies such as Micro-services, DevOps and Cloud-Native. As you might expect the immediate reaction is to try and apply the same infrastructure, practices and vendor solutions to the new world, but many solutions and practices are becoming irrelevant, SAN/VSAN and NAS among...

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Architecting BigData for Real Time Analytics

BigData is quite new, yet when we examine the common solutions and deployment practices it seems like we are going backwards in time. Manual processes, patches of glue logic and partial solutions, wasted resources and more … are we back in the 90’s? Can we build it more efficiently to address real-world business challenges? Some Background First...

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