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ODSC West Conference- Top 6 Sessions You Must Attend

Alexandra Quinn | November 11, 2021

ODSC West Reconnect starts in a few days (Nov. 16-18), which means now is the best time to put the finishing touches to your session attendance schedule. Whether you’re going in-person or joining virtually, ODSC West brings together many AI and data science experts who will present trainings, immersive workshops, keynotes, and more. So if you’re interested in machine learning, data engineering, MLOps, NLP, big data and anything data science - ODSC West Reconnect is the place to be.

To help you choose which sessions to attend, we put together a list of our six top recommended sessions. And of course, we will also be there. More details below.

Here are our top 6 recommended sessions for ODSC West Reconnect 2021:

1. Unifying Development and Production Environments for Machine Learning Projects

Chip Huyen, Adjunct Lecturer, Stanford University

Nov. 16, 11:30am - 1:00 pm PT

A two-part workshop covering the challenges of productionizing ML models and how to overcome them. The first part of the workshop reviews the topic in theory, while the second part is a hands-on tutorial showing how to use Metaflow to push code to production on AWS batch. (Just make sure you’re comfortable with Python for the tutorial section). This session includes a hands-on tutorial that answers one of the most important MLOps challenges: pushing to production.

2. How to Effectively Scale ML & AI in Any Organization

Ella Hilal, PhD, Director of Data Science, Shopify

Nov. 16, 12:20 - 12:50 pm, PT

This session will cover the story of Shopify and how they scaled machine learning and AI to serve more than 1.7 million users globally. The talk will go through the various principles that helped Shopify scale, from building an internal culture to how to choose ML models. This session will give you a peek into a real story of an enterprise successfully bringing models to production to derive business value.

3. MLOps: Doing the Things to Preserve Tomorrow’s Machine Learning Sanity Today

Seth Juarez, Principal Cloud Advocate, Microsoft

Nov. 17, 10:45 - 11:30 am, PT

A fun and valuable session covering various concepts that will help bring models from notebook to production. Concepts include choosing frameworks, experimentation progression, continuous integration and more. You’ll learn a variety of best practices, and also be able to participate in a game of rock paper scissors using ML!

4. Privacy-Preserving Machine Learning: Split Learning and Privacy Attacks

Grzegorz Gawron, Staff Software Engineer, LiveRamp

Nov. 17, 4:00 - 4:45 pm, PT

A talk covering split learning as a solution for privacy concerns when dealing with siloed data. Split learning is a new method for training a modular deep neural network where modules are in data silos. This is quite a practical session, covering a solution to a problem that has the potential to present real obstacles for data science teams.

5. Raising the Data Science Bar with Cross-Team Collaboration

Matthew Seal, Co-founder and CTO, Noteable

Nov. 17, 4:00 - 4:45 pm, PT

If you’re not dealing with privacy issues, then this talk that is happening at the same time as the previous one is a great option. This session will cover different approaches for collaboration based on the success stories of leading companies. Specifically, it will focus on Notebooks and collaborative technologies. 

6. MLOps Spotlight: Scaling NLP Pipelines at IHS Markit

Nick Brown, Senior Data Scientist, IHS Markit & Yaron Haviv, Co-Founder & CTO, Iguazio

Nov. 17, 12:10 - 12:55 pm, PT

This session will cover the real story of IHS Markit and how they used Iguazio and open source MLRun for building NLP pipelines. Steps in this journey include ingestion and classification, handling terabytes of data in hours, working in a unified research and production environment, CI/CD, running compex models, reusing features, auto-scaling, and a lot more! 

Meet Iguazio at OSDC West Reconnect

We hope to see you at these great sessions, including the ones where we’re presenting. We’ll also be at our virtual booth to discuss, provide information or answer any questions you might have.

Let’s also continue talking after these sessions - join us on the MLOps live community on Slack to connect, discuss, and learn more.

See you at ODSC West!