The Predefined Containers

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The standard platform installations have several predefined containers — "users", "projects", and "bigdata".

The "users" Container

The "users" container is designed to provide individual user development environments and is used by the platform to manage application services. When creating a new web-based shell or Jupyter Notebook, the platform automatically creates a <username> directory for the service's running user in this container (if it doesn't already exist). This directory serves as the home directory of the service environment ($HOME) and is used to store different files for managing the service.

See the restrictions for this container in the Software Specifications and Restrictions.

Predefined Environment Variables

The platform's command-line services (Jupyter Notebook and the web shell) predefine the following environment variables for simplifying access to the running-user directory of the predefined "users" container:

  • V3IO_USERNAME — set to the username of the running user of the Jupyter Notebook service.
  • V3IO_HOME — set to the running-user directory in the "users" container — users/<running user>.
  • V3IO_HOME_URL — set to the fully qualified v3io path to the running-user directory — v3io://users/<running user>.

The "projects" Container

The "projects" container is designed for storing shared project artifacts.

  • When creating a new shared project, the default project artifacts path is projects/<project name>/artifacts; (in the current release, all projects are shared across the parent tenant).
  • By default, the "projects" container isn't protected by the Data management policy, because the data in this container is designed to be shared. However, a security administrator can select to add such protection.

The "bigdata" Container

The "bigdata" container has no special significance in the current release, and it will no longer be predefined in future releases. However, you'll still be able to use your existing "bigdata" container and all its data, or create a custom container by this name if it doesn't already exist.

See Also