Iguazio Trial Quick-Start

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Get ready to start your free evaluation of the MLOps Platform ... .


Iguazio trial is a free evaluation of the MLOps Platform ("the platform") from within a cloud environment that doesn't require any user installations or configurations. When you register to the trial, you receive your own cluster — a dedicated cloud instance of the platform. To register for a free evaluation, click here or press the START FOR FREE button on the Iguazio web site.

The trial allows you to test most of the functions and features of the platform, including full access to its APIs and graphical and command-line interfaces. However, note that

  • The trial environment currently uses only a single node and isn't provisioned for performance, and its capacity is restricted to 900 GB.
  • The free evaluation it typically restricted to 14 days.
  • You should not change the password of your cluster's predefined system user (typically named "admin"). This is a trial-only restriction for the purpose of simplifying the evaluation process.

For general information about the Iguazio trial offering and the registration process, contact trial@iguazio.com.
For technical questions and assistance, contact Iguazio's customer-success engineers, who are available to assist and guide you throughout your evaluation.

The trial runs in the cloud. For the rare instances in which the documentation differentiates among the different deployment types, follow the cloud guidelines.

Getting Started

It's recommended that you start your evaluation by following these steps:

  1. Watch the introductory video (available also on YouTube). Note that there might be some differences between your environment and what you see in the video, depending on the version that you are using:

  2. Read the platform introductionIntroducing the Platform. The introduction also contains useful links for continuing your evaluation.

  3. Log into your cluster's dashboard using the URL and login credentials that you received, and then log into the predefined Jupyter Notebook service or create a new service (see the instructions on the welcome pop-up page or in the Working with Services tutorial.)
    The tutorials include a welcome.ipynb notebook (available also as a README.md Markdown file) — which is similar to the platform introduction that you read in the previous step — and many other useful tutorials.

What's Next?

  • See the MLRun tutorials, which demonstrate key features and benefits of the platform.
  • Read the product introduction, and browse the introductory content in the sections that best fits your development needs (see the table-of-contents menu). You can also find useful links on the documentation home page.
  • Review and run other Jupyter tutorial notebooks. You can find full end-to-end use-case application and how-to demos in the demos tutorials directory. For more information, see Introducing the Platform.