Meet nuclio - a new advanced and high-performance open source serverless framework which takes usability and applicability to the next level.
Meet nuclio - a new advanced and high-performance open source serverless framework which takes usability and applicability to the next level.
The time is ripe for re-architecting analytics to maximize the value of machine learning and real-time streaming, drive actionable insights, and enable continuous operations.
“We have yet to see anything that compares directly to iguazio’s combination of data analytics and cloud architecture." - Matt Aslett, 451 Research.
Yaron Haviv, iguazio's CTO sits down with theCube at Strata NYC and explains how modern data architectures simplify the development and deployment of applications which provide actionable insights.
iguazio Systems Ltd. announced today that Singapore ride-hailing giant Grab will use its Unified Data Platform. At the same time, the startup launched its “continuous analytics” platform that it unveiled in concept over a year ago, promising a faster and simpler way to use massive amounts of data in real time.
Fresh from a Series B funding round of $33 million, Herzliya-based start-up iguazio now plans to go big. MarketBrains talks to iguazio’s CTO, Yaron Haviv.