Session #18

Best Practices for Succeeding with MLOps


As the MLOps practice matures, there is an accumulation of stories about what works well – and what doesn’t.  If you’re building up your enterprise MLOps muscle, instead of trial and error, why not tap into the collective memory of thousands of organizations who have spent the last couple of years building their MLOps practices internally and learn from their experience?

On this on-demand session of the MLOps Live Webinar series, we are delighted to host Noah Gift, author of the book ‘Practical MLOps’ published by O’Reilly.  Noah joins Yaron Haviv, CO-Founder and CTO of Iguazio, to share insights from his book, discuss his view of the MLOps market, and discuss best practices for laying the foundation, setting KPIs, adopting the right tools and processes and setting the stage for your organization to succeed with MLOps.

Watch this fun and informative session on the latest trends and tried-and-true methods for getting data science to production.